
Our family office practice offers tailored solutions for larger families with substantial wealth. We are well-versed in the sensitive and interactive dynamics of family interests, business interests, and the need for wealth preservation. We are familiar with the latest developments in the alignment and organization of single family offices and the relevant standards. Our services are designed to support both single family offices (SFOs) themselves and their beneficiaries and owners, ensuring smooth wealth transitions and family cohesion.

Accounting and Reporting Services

If you have an SFO and your assets are allocated to various holding and legal structures, we work at the interface with your accounting department to prepare all necessary tax returns and annual financial statements. We start by analyzing the status quo and suggesting improvements for processes, data preparation, and data transmission to the tax consulting function.

We explore with you the potential cost savings through digitization and reporting systems. To implement these, we can bring in independent partners like Reportify GmbH or, internationally, Noveras AG. If you have limited in-house resources, we can handle bookkeeping for you.

Legal Housekeeping

In principle, we support you with all legal questions at the family and SFO level. We draft and review partnership agreements for your asset-holding companies. We set up arm’s-length cash management systems and loans between you, your family, and your companies. We review asset management agreements, subscription documents for holdings, and PE or VC funds. We help you set up framework agreements for cost allocations between the SFO and family members that will stand up under tax scrutiny.

We can handle smaller investment transactions, purchases, and sales. For other specialized topics—such as landlord-tenant disputes, real estate law, employment law, and mid- or large-cap investment transactions—our closely integrated network is at your disposal.

Developing a Family Constitution

You and your family may have already dealt with family governance and created rules and frameworks (a family constitution). Since that time, global and political challenges may have shifted, new pressures on the assets may have emerged, and your family, its asset allocation, and its structures may have changed or grown. Generational transitions may have occurred, and the next generation might have different perspectives, which could cause conflict. New technologies and legal developments have also emerged.

Do existing agreements still meet today’s challenges, including from a tax and legal standpoint? Given new legislative changes, do you need to re-evaluate?

In any case, it’s time to review your current frameworks and family constitutions and set new benchmarks. Family goals may also need updating. With increasing internationalization, new legal systems must be factored in. We guide you through these transformational processes with our expertise and, if needed, involve network partners like ebel&team, who specialize in family constitutions and resolving family conflicts.

Optimizing International Structures

If you already have an established single family office, we can analyze its setup, processes, and systems. We compare your existing arrangements with any new ideas for asset allocation, the addition of new asset classes, and changes in your family’s situation, as well as the latest system benchmarks. We scrutinize the structures in light of changing tax and legal conditions.

For instance, specialized fund structures may have been advantageous from an inheritance or exit-tax perspective in the past but may now be negatively impacted by legislative changes. Moreover, regulatory and reporting requirements continue to increase.

We work with you on reorganizing holding structures, shifting assets, and separating passive from entrepreneurial assets to optimize inheritance tax, ideally without triggering real estate transfer tax or income tax. Together with our network partners, we can modernize internal SFO structures, implementing modern data management and reporting systems.